Monday, October 14, 2013

What is happening to Taboo Erotica?

As I  mentioned in a previous blog Amazon blocked two of my books, not because of content but due to their tags.

Now I'm hearing not only Amazon but several other main suppliers of Erotica are going through there files checking and rechecking for anything that might "disturb" some readers.
Why are they doing this? Some say because of social pressure, some say because of outside suppliers (payments).

I personally think there is a wide audience out there looking for everything from a stolen kiss at a dance, to hard core in your face Erotica, and they are willing to pay for it as long as it has certain quality.
So, if Amazon Et Al, don't want to sell our hard core stuff that is fine with me. I will sell my "fluff" on their site and the readers can go to my web site and buy directly from me the more explicit titles.
I will blog you when the site is ready with new Explicit titles available.


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