Sunday, October 19, 2014

Does Erotica writers live as they write?

When I was in high school (many years ago) my English teacher told me that I should write about something I knew about. He said this because I told him I had no idea what to write about.

Fast forward some twenty five years and I am writing Erotica. Do I know anything about steamy sex, the use of sex toys, gay sex, or any other topic I write about, no not really. But, I can fantasize about it and put it into words. Also, I can talk to people who have had such experience and use it for my novellas.

This brings me to the topic in question; does erotica writers live as they write? I don’t think so. I think most of us are regular women and men with day jobs who at night (or morning) close the door to our writing room and there, in the darkness, let our fantasies take form on the screen in front of us. There we can dig deep into our souls and find those things that might not be talked in polite company or even not so polite company.  Maybe we have a fantasy about trying to be with someone of the same sex, but on the other side of that door are a spouse and kids, and maybe a dog. So instead of running off to the next town to fulfill this fantasy it is written down in the form of a novella or a book. If we can transfer our emotions in the right way it will become a great story.

On the other hand, there are those authors who look for niches on the internet, they check key words and so on to see what topic in trending within erotica and then they write about it. I think these stories are not as good as the ones that actually come from the author’s soul.

What kind of author are you?
What happens if you don’t have any secret fantasies you can write about? Nothing, but I don’t believe it. I’m pretty sure all of us have something that is lurking inside and just has to be put down in words.

Happy writing!

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