Thursday, October 9, 2014

Why I write graphic erotica and don't like to use metaphors

When people ask me what kind of Erotica I write, I tell them; graphic. Usually I get a look saying “What?” Followed by; “Oh, it’s like comic books for adults?”
For me graphic erotica is somewhere between normal erotica and porn. You have the story, developed characters and real dialog as in erotica, but the sex scenes are more detailed, almost pornographic.
Some of my novellas were band on Amazon and some other e-book outlets, but after rewriting them they were allowed to stay.
While I rewrote them and softened up the words I used in the sex scenes I realized I didn’t like the story as much as before.
When you write a character, or at least when I do, I imagine how he or she would say things, and a man in his late twenties would not say “vagina” to a friend while telling him about a girl he was with the night before. He would say “pussy” or similar.
“Hey buddy, you should have seen the “honey pot” on that girl I picked up last night, it was beautiful.”
That, to me doesn’t sound real.
So why use such metaphors? One reason is to comply with the e-book publisher’s policies. Another is so catch more readers maybe, or adjust your writing to what you think readers want. But, wait a minute. Someone once said. “You should write what you like, not what you think other people will like. If you do, it doesn’t sound real, it sounds made up.”
Well, I like to read about juicy sex scene with things “squirting” and being “wet”. I like cock and pussy; I like boobs, tits and nipples. I don’t like; meat sausages, love swords, honey pot, pink tacos, etc. I want to be turned on, I want to become wet, not laugh and giggle (well, that too, but in a sexy way).
Some years ago I had a boyfriend who was into pornography he loved to watch porn at night before going to bed. In the beginning I didn’t like it but being a good girlfriend I would keep him company.
I had not watched much porn before, none of my earlier boyfriends were into it, and personally I couldn’t be bothered. But, this guy had pretty good taste, so after a couple of weeks I actually began to enjoy the movies.
Most men are turned on what they see, not what they read, while women are the opposite. I realized I liked and was turned on what I saw. At the time I hadn’t begun writing, but when I did I remembered this guy and his affection for porn, so I began to write the way I do. Some people like it and some don’t but I write what I like, and to me that is important.

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